Re-exam registration is allowed only for exam courses where KTU has announced re-exam on a
different date. Only the students who have registered for the original exam can register for re-exam.
Re-exam registration can be done from the student login. Student registrations can be added or
modified from the college side also. Final submission for all the branches needs to be done by the
college finally.
Procedure To Be Followed From Student side
1.Login to KTU e-Governance portal. Choose Academic Year.Re-Exam Registration Date tab
with Register button can be seen. Click on Register button.

2.A screen as shown below will be seen.Click on Apply for Re-Exam against the corresponding
3.A confirmation pop-up window will appear asking 'Are you sure to apply for re-exam for this
course'. Click on Yes if you are sure you want to continue.

4.You can cancel Re-Exam registration by clicking on Cancel Re-Exam tab.A confirmation pop-up
window will appear same as the one appeared when applying for Re-Exam.

5.Finally Click on Submit.

Procedure To Be Followed From College side

1.Login to KTU e-gov Portal.
2.A Register tab will be available near the corresponding exam definition to register for Re-Exam

3.Click on Register to register any student for Re-Exam.A screen as shown below will appear.
In order to select any student, give either name or register number of the student in the
corresponding column named Student.

4. Check if all the branches have submitted their Re-Exam Registration and click Submit for final
5. Registered students with the corresponding courses for which they have applied can be viewed by
clicking on Registered Students. List can be Exported if needed, by clicking on Export button.

For support, please call 0471-6540401/6/7 or email support@ktu.edu.in 

To download this as pdf

To login & register
(Now e-gov portal at maintenance)


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